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Showing posts from February, 2018

Ethical Limitations on the Natural Sciences

AI. To Use or not to Use?  RLS Article at: The world is currently enveloped in a confused battle: whether or not to use Artificial Intelligence for the good of humanity, with those who think it’s beneficial even grappling among themselves for who will lead the world into the new era. Indeed, with high profile thinkers like Prof. Stephen Hawking (known for being one of the greatest minds of the modern world) openly opposing the implementation of AI, the world cannot help but be slightly perplexed about whether or not this revolutionary, and potentially dangerous technology should be adapted. Without question, the world is standing at a deadlock, one which will likely soon be broken by those in favour.  Artificial Intelligence has great potential for the future of the human race, one that seems to be to good to ignore. For instance, the implementation of these programs and “robots” would revolutionize human way of life. There w...