The Cannon-Bard Theory, one of the theories that have a fewer believer base, was created in the early 1920s. Since then, other theories such as the Two-Factor theory and the James-Lange Theory have been created and are more widely acclaimed. The Cannon-Bard Theory states that after a stimulus (external occurrence) takes place, humans react to the prompt and experience the emotion affiliated with it at the SAME TIME. For instance, when a bear roars at you (the stimulus), rather than simply feeling instant fear, the Cannon-Bard Theory states that both the feeling of fear (the emotion) and the symptoms of fear: a pounding heart, sweating, e.t.c (the reaction) both occur at the same time. This is an outdated theory for its limitations are significant. For instance, it is mostly seen that the reaction occurs before the actual emotion. However, this common idea (could be regarded as a second-order knowledge claim) is directly opposed by the Cannon-Bard Theory. It however manages t...